Have Your Hydrangeas Changed in Color?

Have Your Hydrangeas Changed in Color?

Have Your Hydrangeas Changed in Color?

Have your Endless Summer Hydrangeas changed color? The bloom color relies on the pH level of your soil. If the blue is not as deep as it once was, you can adjust the soil's acid level by adding sulfur. The best way to do so is to use a product called Color Me Blue, a pelletized sulfur that works its way into the soil, which adjusts soil pH to give you beautiful, blue blooms.


If the pinks are not as vibrant as they once were, Color Me Pink or Garden Lime can help raise the pH of the naturally acidic soil of Connecticut. Garden Lime is quick-acting and can be followed up with Color Me Pink for longer lasting effects on the pH level. Remember to get your soil pH tested before making adjustments, as there are many other factors that contribute to the growth of a plant.