Cold Crop Vegetables

Frosted Collard Greens

 Cold crop vegetables are a great way to start off or finish the growing season. Some cold hardy vegetables: lettuce, kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, peas, and more. Cold crops should be planted inside in the winter and moved outdoors in the early spring or by the middle of summer to be ready for harvest by the end of fall. The colder weather can actually improve the flavor of veggies and herbs. Although cold crop plants stand up well against low temperatures, they can still be damaged by the frost. Therefore, keep a careful eye on the weather forecast throughout the spring and fall to prevent any damage. If you have yet to harvest and there is potential for frost, fear not. You can cover your veggies with old pots or blankets to shelter them from below-freezing temperatures. 


A great way to end the worry of frost damage, and to extend the growing season, is by building coldframes or hotbeds. With a properly constructed coldframe, you can grow cold hardy vegetables and herbs even through our harsh New England winters. If you are interested in growing vegetables over the winter, here's a very helpful article. For some more specific guidelines on building coldframes and hotbeds, this article from the University of Missouri can get you started.