Bagged/Bulk Mulch, Stone, and Soil Amendment Prices

Because we get our bulk and bagged materials from different places, often our bagged and bulk products will not match. To see samples of each product please visit our store. Visit our delivery page for information on delivery cost. To place an order call 860-872-7291. Please note that a half yard is the smallest increment at which bulk items can be purchased


Delivery Area Fee
Vernon (2 yard minimum) $60 

Bolton, Broad Brook, Coventry, East Windsor, Ellington, Manchester, South Windsor, Tolland  (3 yard minimum)

 Andover, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Hebron, Storrs/Mansfield, Somers, Willington (4 yard minimum) 



 Ashford, Columbia, Enfield, Stafford, Stafford Springs,  Wethersfield, Windsor (4 yard minimum)


 Bloomfield, Rocky Hill, West Hartford (4 yard minimum) 


2025 Pricing

Bulk Mulch 

Mulch Type Per Yard Per 1/2 Yard
Natural Cedar $70 $35
Natural Hemlock $80 $40
Fragrant Forest $70 $35
Dyed Black (Pine) $60 $30
Dyed Brown (Pine) $60 $30
Dyed Red (Cedar) $60 $30
Pine/Hemlock $70 $35
Wilderness Blend  $50 $25
Mixed Mulch $30 $15

Bagged Mulch

Mulch Type Bag Size Per Bag
Dyed Black Cedar 3 Cubic Feet $10.99
Dyed Brown Cedar 3 Cubic Feet $10.99
Dyed Red Cedar 3 Cubic Feet $10.99
Natural Cedar 3 Cubic Feet $8.99
Natural Hemlock 3 Cubic Feet $9.99
Fragrant Forest 3 Cubic Feet $8.99
Playground Mulch 3 Cubic Feet $7.99
Sweet Peet®  1.5 Cubic Feet $19.99
Mainely Mulch® 2.4 Cubic Feet $29.99
Straw Full Bale or Mini Bale $15.99 / $9.99

Bulk Stone & Soil 

Type Per Yard Per 1/2 Yard
Screened Top Soil (weight depends on moisture content)  $50 $25
Bulk Compost  $70 $35
3/4" Gray Stone (approx. 1.35 tons) $70 $35
CT Natural Stone (approx. 1.35 tons) $115 $57.50
Earthstone Natural Round Stone (approx. 1.35 tons) $125 $62.50
Processed Gravel (approx. 1.35 tons) $60 $30
Stone Dust (approx. 1.35 tons) $60 $30

Bagged Stone, Soil & Soil Amendments

Type Bag Size Per Bag
Top Soil  40 lbs (approx. .75 cu. ft.) $4.99
Autumn Blend 35 lbs $9.99
Crushed Brick 40 lbs $9.99
CT Natural Blend 50 lbs $6.99
Gray Stone 50 lbs $7.99
Marble Chip 50 lbs $8.99
Ocean Pebble 50 lbs $13.99
Playscape Gravel/Pea Stone 50 lbs $6.99
Rustic Red 50 lbs $9.99
Stone Dust/Brick & Patio Base 50 lbs $6.99
Dehydrated Manure  .75 cubic foot $7.99
Lobster Compost 1 cubic foot $15.99
Bumper Crop 1 cubic foot / 2 cubic feet $14.99 / $24.99
Organic Raised Bed Mix  1 cubic foot / 2 cubic foot $17.99 / $26.99
Pelletized Lime 40 lb (1000 sq ft) $9.99
Pulverized Lime 50 lb (1000 sq ft) $5.99