
David Austin - Lady of Shallot

David Austin - Lady of Shallot

Our shipment of roses will arrive towards the end of April - early May. 

Roses are an essential element of any classic garden. Their elegant flowers, heavenly fragrance, long blooming time, and array of colors make them a beautiful and versatile choice. We offer a wide variety of roses to choose from, so if you're looking for a particular variety or want the best selection available, come early! Please call for availability.

David Austin Roses

One of our favorite rose types, David Austins were developed by and named after the famous British rose breeder. His goal was to breed roses that were disease-resistant and hardy without compromising their beauty, fragrance, or charm. These roses embody the typical English rose - heady fragrances, exquisite, many-petalled cups, and soft pastels characterize David Austins. 

Hybrid Tea Roses

An informal classification, Hybrid Teas are roses that were crossbred from delicate tea roses and hardy hybrid perpetuals. They gained the best of both words through this process; hardy and disease-resistant, they also produce more attractive, multi-petalled flowers and are inclined to re-bloom throughout the season. Hybrid Tea roses are among the most popular garden roses in the world and come in a stunning array of colors.

Floribunda Roses

Floribunda roses are a crossbreed of Hybrid Tea roses and another variety (polyantha) with the goal of producing beautiful hybrid tea type flowers with a more clustered blooming habit. The effects are stunning, and these roses boast impressive amounts of elegant blooms throughout the growing season. 

Knock-Out Roses

The most disease-resistant and hardy of the rose types for our region, Knock Out roses are sought after for being low-maintenance and having profuse, long-lasting blooms. They come in single and double flowering varieties in red (looks like a very dark pink) and pink, and single flowering in blush, coral, yellow, white, and peach. Please call for our current selection as these roses are very popular!

Drift / Carpet Roses

Several varieties of roses have been bred to perform as groundcovers, producing sweeps of cascading blossoms on low-growing, compact shrubs. Easy to maintain and abundant in flowers, these are perfect for those who want a touch of elegance without the space or care required by a more traditional rose.

Climbing Roses

Climbing roses do just that - climb up a structure in order to provide vertical interest in your garden. Whether it is trained to grow on a wall (scaffolding may be required), an arbor, a trellis, an obelisk, or some other structure, climbing roses can expand a garden skyward and elevate your space from the commonplace to the spectacular. When planting a climbing rose be sure to angle it 45 degrees towards the structure intended to support it.

Tree-Form Roses

Roses can also be shaped into topiaries, informally called tree roses. These trees are small specialty pieces that can provide the height and structural importance of a tree and the flowers and fragrance of roses to your garden at the same time. Unique and unexpected, these trees are truly a statement piece!